Mike....the most hypocritical of all the editors.
He acts like such a baby about everything, he whines and moans whenever he does not get his way.
Here are a few suggestions I give Mike in order to shape up:
Stop wearing pull-ups.
When you don't get your way, stop going home (home home...not the yearbook office) pouting...followed by a big hissy tantrum.
When you tell someone to do something, and they do it, don't say you didn't say it...especially in front of 5 other people.
When on a phone, and someone pisses you off...don't hang up and throw the phone out the window.
Don't keep talking about killing people because you never will.
Turn Ons: Big Open Rooms, no less than 1/2 a person within 6.5 feet of him, working his ass off while getting paid like an immigrant, talking about bloody murder, being racist.