Today's current Yearbook office
--Super Short Version 1.5--
- Main Yearbook Editor (Executive Editor)
Andrew: | ||||||||||||||||||| - 95/100 |
- Other Executive Editor (Executive Editor)
Anthony: | ||||||||||||||||||| - 95/100 |
- A little never racking editor, use to be not so bad. (Managerial Editor)
Tom: | |||||||| - 40/100 |
- Hypocrite editor.
(Managerial Editor)
Mike: | ||||| - 25/100 |
Rob, and
Chris - Innocent friends who want to go in the yearbook office, but
aren't allowed for some reason.
Jay: Rob: Chris: |
||||||||||||||||||| - 95/100 ||||||||||||||||||| - 95/100 ||||||||||||||||||| - 95/100 |
- Chris' partner in crime, secretly hates the yearbook office with a passion,
and has many adventures with ABBA.
Damian: | ||||||||||||||||||| - 95/100 |
Supporting Actors:
- Big..tall...doofy...likes to stare at blank walls....nuff not nuff
said..hes an idiot he thinks hes right...when he is ALWAYS wrong. He wonders why
nobody likes him...I bet he beats his dog cuz hes the type to do something retarded
like that. Is Doug cool....9 out of 9 Seniors agree...OH HECK NO!!!!
Doug does no yearbook work at all but is let in ????
Doug: | |||| - 20/100 |
- Turn On's: Being used, spanked (by men, mostly by Tom), driving Tom
around, driving Mike around, occasional yearbook work,
Alex: | |||||||| - 35/100 |
- Taken in by the dark side.... , makes you ride in the back seat? (look at
that goofy smile)
- One of Chris' army generals.
McCarthy - Head of the yearbook, in charge of production...does no work gets
all the credit (like a producer). Some people believe she lives under the
Verazanno Bridge with her CAD the hunchback of Notre Dame..but she
is more Troll-like. She has a deadly weapon called "Death
Breath" she screams in a high pitched voice stunning her victims...then
spewing a toxic gas causing the person to choke to death.
Mortamer the Moose - Plays an important role?
A small room...with 2 windows...3 outdated computers (For you computer wiz's: 100Pentium, 16 RAM, 1 gig HD) a small refrigerator packed with ketchup packets. A File cabinet filled with pictures. The room itself smells like 30 year old gym socks. You have to sacrifice your 3 feet of personal space if you are in there ALONE!!!! Its more like a bathroom...but smaller.
Act 1 -- The Beginning
Andrew bribes Mrs. McCarthy to get Anthony, Tom, and Mike to become editors.
Tom and Mike make up annoying and preposterous rule about the yearbook office without Andrew and Anthony's consent
Tom and Mike do not allow anyone in the office when they are in it.
Tom realizes that Alex can drive
Act 2 -- The Crisis
Tom and Mike use Alex to drive them all over the place. (Authors' Note: Once Tom is able to drive, Alex will be dropped like a huge stone) (Comment: Alex denies that they are using him, they make fun of the truth in hopes to hide it from Alex)
Andrew complains a little about the rules, but goes against Tom and Mike by letting people in the office.
Anthony begins to dislike Tom and Mike because they are being "GAY" with the rules.
Chris begins to gather a small army to go against the office itself, with Damian and HBK as the head honchos.
Tom and Mike begin to get out of class to just "hang out" in the office, even though they are suppose to do work.
One day, Chris' army attacks... they knock on the yearbook office and then run away causing mass confusion in the office
Damian only uses the office as a utility shed, where he stores all his heavy machinery.
Anthony gets mad about it for some reason.
Chris continues, throwing a couple "BOO's" when he passes by the office.
Andrew gets a little annoyed.
Anthony doesn't like Jay or Rob for some reason after this.
Tom thinks about giving detention to Chris, Jay, and Rob
Anthony, Jay, Chris, and Rob make up and realize their stupidity.
Jay gives Anthony a good will gift for the office, for him and Andrew's use ONLY, a set of speakers for their CD player.
Tom finds out about the speakers, but Jay ignores it.
One day...all the peace was interrupted....the yearbook office was broken into, and the mouse balls from the computers were stolen by an unknown assailant....
Act 3 -- The Redemption
Tom immediately blames Chris, Jay, and Rob for the havoc and destruction.
Mike agrees with them.
Andrew gets pissed at this does Anthony.
They have a big argument.
Tom is fat
Tom and Mike are shot down by Anthony and Andrew.
The yearbook office has its locks changed.
On the way to Anthony's house to pick up money for food, we encountered Matty C. and Frank S...who locked his keys in his car?
Jay stays after school to help the team finish the 1st deadline for the yearbook.
Tom gets shot down...not once BUT 2 TIMES!!!!!! (What a moron)
Tom and Mike leave early because they are too chicken to take the bus or train...they have to get a ride from their daddies (Oh behave!). (7pm)
Anthony and Andrew get royally pissed off.
Anthony, Jay, and Andrew are there finishing the deadline till 9pm.
Act 4 -- Tension builds up from underneath
Andrew has enough of Tom and Mike
Andrew makes Jay, Chris, and Rob come in the office at lunchtime.
Mike has Doug and Alex in there already.
Rob gives Mike the silent treatment
Jay takes back his speakers cuz Tom knows about it.
Mike kicks Jay, Chris, and Rob out because they were too quiet.
Andrew goes ballistic.
Anthony attempts to stay out of the argument, and is successful
After school, Anthony and Andrew use their higher power to override Tom and Mike
Jay, Chris, and Rob get access to the yearbook office
Jay gives back speakers
Jay, Chris and Rob don't go in the office anymore
Andrew is confused
Jay once again stays after to help them get organized.
Tom and Mike once again leave early....
Anthony and Andrew are FURIOUS
Andrew talks about ******* them *** the ******** *******.
Anthony agrees
Jay secretly removes the batteries from the speakers.
Chris clings onto Rob's schoolbag for 10 minutes
Doug decides to be a Homosexual and hit Chris for no reason. (Once again proving his stupidity)
Doug loses even more popularity (if he has any left)
Act 5 -- Tom gets out of Class
Tom gets out of class.
Tom gets out of class.
Tom gets out of class
Tom Eats while out of class
Tom gets out of class.
Tom gets out of class.
Tom gets out of class.
Tom gets out of class.
Tom gets out of class.
Tom gets out of class.
(Note: Tom did not do any work on the yearbook.)
Act 6 -- Peace?
Mike Mirandi was kicked out of the yearbook office recently
...but somehow he got in...
Damian tells Jay, Rob, and Chris not to tell anyone about the movie he is making.
Jay uses this to his advantage and taunts Tom about it.
Doug acts like a man, and threatens Chris while Chris isn't there
Doug THINKS he can beat Chris in a fight.
Alex officially moves into the yearbook office
Andrew abuses Tom
Tom tries to break up Anthony and Jays friendship, but isn't successful
Tom wears cold shirts.
Act 7 -- Doug's Knee and Mike's Lie (by Anthony P. and Chris O.)
Yearbook office refrigerator is for "editorial use only" yet Doug's lunch is in the refrigerator.
Doug's lunch consists of a pen-is sandwich with Mike's Mayo.
Tom had Doug's lunch before Doug could. (Tom has a taste for Mike's Mayo)
Doug and Oddo have a cat fight: Doug for some MORONIC reason hits Oddo with a plastic bottle, Oddo takes Doug's stupidity as an insult and strikes back with a fist to the face. Doug in turn gets up and for some reason hits Oddo repeatedly. Oddo then gets up and hits Doug back and a cat fight ensued. Doug ends up crying like a little school girl who lost her kitty cat.
Doug is gay??? (but not the Fred Flintstone kind)
Doug brags too much
Tom lightens up (not in weight) (Coolness +2)
Tom acts like a moron again (Coolness - 4)
Mike is a completely different person than he was last year (POWER HUNGRY???)
Mike gets more annoying (Coolness -4)
Mike makes stuff up once again (Coolness -4)
Tom has some more lunch.
Oli is told to show up at yearbook after school.
Everyone attends yearbook, but again is told to go home by the claustrophobic Mike.
Oli asks if he should stay and type, but Mike says "Go Home."
Oli instead goes to Anthony's house.
Tom and Mike become jealous (but will deny it)
Tom calls Anthony's house and questions Oli's decision to go Anthony's house.
Oli repeats what he was told by Mike
Everyone agrees that what Oli said is what Mike said, yet Tom says Mike said something completely different.
Tom Eats Dinner, Tom eats Mike's dinner, Mike "eats" Tom for dinner.
Mike is a hypocrite.
Anthony argues with Tom about the situation.
Tom as usual hangs up instead of arguing because he knows that he is wrong for once in his life but won't admit it.
Another fun day at the yearbook office ends.
Tom goes to Terrance's house for dessert.
Act 8 -- Cram 2K?
Mike suddenly gives Anthony the silent treatment.
Doug puts on a pussy act concerning his knee.
Chris, Jay, and Rob jam 11 people in the yearbook office today.
Knock and run commences.
Jay enjoys taunting Mike and Tom about the page he found.
Andrew and Anthony move out of the year book office, to hang with Chris, Jay, and Rob.
Chris throws Rob's pen in the smelly garbage.
Mike is claustrophobic
Act 8 Sub Act 1 -- Discovered???
Tom almost finds out about the site.
The Webmaster, relocates it to a better location
Act 9 -- It keeps me moving on...
Jay ignores Mike at the train station.
Mike and Tom get out of class, and once again do NO work.
A 'NEW' yearbook law has been passed!! Will it hold up we shall see.
This law states that only thoes who do work in yearbook at least 2 times per week are allowed in.
Doug in during lunch?? DENIED!
Damian revolts about being Chewbacca, and becomes Yoda.
Tom sticks to the law and kicks Damian out of the office.
Tom gets out of Math class, and actually DOES WORK!!!!! (1st time for everything)
Tom leaves early for work.
Mike leaves early so he can go home and do nothing.
Alex stares into space the whole time at yearbook.
Alex makes a smart ass remark to Jay.
Jay is on the verge of punching the Swedish out of Alex.
Act 10 - All's quiet on the front???
In the morning Tom was spotted taking his clothes off in front of Mike (Coolness factor -5)
Doug thinks he knows everything, while he doesn't
Jay doesn't do that much work at yearbook
Alex gives 6 kids a ride home, but his car can only fit 5 people.
Alex if OFFICIALLY declared Tom's bitch, and Mike's man-servant.
During yearbook, Jay for once does as little work as possible.
Everything looked like it would be an ordinary day, but as usual it wasn't.
Chris and Rob, during their free period, slip pieces of paper under the yearbook office door.
Jay watches them do it.
Tom comes out and says, "Jay, do you have to be an asshole and do stupid things like this."
If you didn't guess Tom blames Jay for doing nothing. (Coolness Factor -5)
The yearbook deadline is overdue...Andrew and Oli stay till 7:30pm to do some more work.
Chris and Jay make wrestlers in WWF No Mercy, who look strangley like: Mrs. McCarthy, That black-haired sidekick lady, Mrs. Alfredo, Mr. Patti, Mr. C., and many more.
Alex starts talking to Jay, Rob, and Chris again after reports of him not liking us anymore. (Coolness Factor +5)
Doug find an awesome watch and shows everyone.
Jay wishes he yoinked it and ran.
-- NOTE -- Name and likenesses are PURELY coincidental, some names have been changed to protect the innocent[?].